Honduras San Judas Tadeo | Filter 200g
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San Judas Tadeo secured the #16 spot in the 2017 Honduras Cup of Excellence (COE). Parainema is a coffee variety unique to Honduras, bred by the Honduran Coffee Institute (IHCAFE) from the T5296 coffee bean through a series of genetic selections. It is resistant to leaf rust and nematode infestation, has a high yield, and features a unique fruity aroma.
Parainema won the championship in the 2017 COE and also placed 22nd, 26th, 27th, and 29th, outperforming some of the participating Geisha batches.
This cup delivers a taste experience with lemon, hawthorn, and black tea.
Filter Roast
Honduras San Judas Tadeo
1400 Meters
Lemon / Hawthorn / Black Tea